Durablanket LT and LTZArmil CFS, Inc. is pleased to add Durablanket LT and LTZ to our line of ceramic fiber blanket products. These blankets represent the next generation of the Durablanket product family. Using enhanced spun fiberization, Durablanket LT and LTZ is composed of more fiber and less shot. This helps extend temperature grades and operating temperatures compared to standard ceramic fiber blankets.


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The added benefits of Durablanket LT and LT Z fiber performance help to reduce energy costs and meet increasingly strict carbon emission targets, without increasing the amount of insulation required. Also, customers can save on material costs by using less insulation to achieve the same performance as standard ceramic fiber blankets. This can free up more space in furnaces and ovens, reducing the insulation lining thickness by up to 25%.

Improved thermal performance is not the only upgrade these blankets offer. Both Durablanket LT and LTZ offer safer and more improved handling. These blankets have a softer feel, less loose fiber when machining, and branded printing on each roll.

Both Durablanket LT and LTZ are available in Anchor-Loc Modules for ease of installation.

For more information on Durablanket LT and LTZ, please feel free to give us a call at (708) 339-6810.


Jeff is an author for Armil CFS